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Dream World

The world is an illusion; you are in the world. The ‘you’ is within the illusion.”

In other words, in recognizing (as ajata tells us) that all is an illusion, you can’t leave yourself out—in trying to perceive the illusion. You too are involved in the illusion.

Another word for illusion is a “dream”. In a dream, you’re not viewing the dream world as a dream world; you view yourself as “real”, and all else that you view as equally real.

So, when one comes to recognize that all that we consider existent is in actuality a fleeting appearance in the perspective of a transitory “person”, we understand that the entire universe is an illusion—and all that’s within it. The perceiver is not apart from, or outside of, the ephemeral appearances.

Just as in a dream (there is no problem with understanding yourself to be a key player in your dream), you can also regard the everyday world to be an illusion—and the cognizer of that world as equally empty, as well.

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