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Causes and Conditions

The teachings of emptiness maintain that, in fact, you have never been born, in any real sense. The birth that you claim is yours is merely one of the myriad “occurrences” within the Dream.

Not anything which happens within the Dream needs to be proven or disproven; the Dream itself is utterly empty of reality, so no demonstrations concerning it can be required. Nevertheless, the teachings go on to show how it is that all births are products of the (unreal) illusion.

Not any thing in the universe exists entirely on its own: all products and events are within a pattern of dependent–arising, and dependent arising is one of the phenomenon observable within the Dream itself. (In other words, even dependent-arising is without ultimate reality since there are not real things which can arise, even dependently.)

If there were anything in the universe which had arisen entirely on its own, it would not be subject to any causes or outward influences, such as conditions. It would not then—standing uniquely on its own—be subject to any causes or conditions (such as aging or decay), which would result in its removal: it would be immortal. We know of nothing in the universe which is immortal or does not ever change.

The causes and conditions that we observe are within the Dream: therefore, they are not actually real. The causes and conditions that seemingly appear to us are always themselves subject to causes and conditions.

As Thrangu Rinpoche has said:

All appearances and all resultant conditions are illusory with no nature of their own, based on previous conditions that were equally illusory. This continuum of occurring appearances is unerring in so far as nothing ever occurs from outside of it; everything always occurs within this illusory structure of successive causes and conditions. If we examine the details of these conditions, we will find that they possess no solid reality that we can isolate or discover—they all have the same nature as hallucinations.

You appear, within the Dream, to have been born: dependently-arisen within this continuum of occurring appearances—all of which share emptiness of reality.

As Buddha has said repeatedly, not any thing has ever actually come into existence nor goes out of it. Or, as Milarepa sang, “All, animate, inanimate—the three realms: unborn and nonexistent from the outset!”

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