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From One Essence

Garma Chang discusses another way in which one can understand the nonexistence of things. In our Dream world, change is an element: “All things change” (all the time), both object and events.

Everything is changing, moment to moment. A young man does not grow old: the old man is no longer a young man.

Even if we were to assume an object or event had ever been created, or come into being, there is not a moment that it continues to exist as the object or event originated. Change is at work every moment on everything. In other worlds, there is no static moment in “duration”, for anything. This is what “impermanence” means: no lasting reality. The very moment that something “is”, is the moment when it no longer is; its “existence” is cancelled out.

In fact, “change” itself is a process which presumably takes place in time. Time, and therefore change, is no more real than the objects and events which are thought to appear in it.

That any thing appears to change shows that the thing is not self-composed, or independently free-standing. If there were such a self-reliant thing, it would be impervious to effect upon it. It would remain as it had presumably been originated, indefinitely, immortally. We know of no such thing.

And change itself is impermanent and subject to change (now faster, then slower etc.). Were change to stand still, it would not be change. So change does not “endure” either, and is simply another element in the impermanent Dream.

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